Necklace Luna Lights Amethyst M


A romantic Amethyst necklace, with the perfect cabochon stone as a centrepiece it is perfectly set between a modern chic and classic romantic style. 

  • The pendant is 9ct gold vermeil and is 1.2cm long.
  • The necklace is made from small sparkling Amethyst beads, it is 43.5cm long.
  • The energy that this beautiful purple crystal brings is filled with love, connection with higher vibrations, and calming and soothing vibes.
  • Amethyst is a great stone for meditation, tuning thoughts away from the mundane into tranquil and deeper understanding.
  • Made exclusively for Mombasa Rose Boutique in Noosa Australia.
Gemstone Details

Amethyst emerald cut gemstone set in 9ct gold vermeil.

All gemstones used in our Luna range are genuine stones and we never use manufactured stones.

Birthstone Details

February: Amethyst is a calming purple gem known for its spiritual significance. It's often associated with personal empowerment and inner strength, with some attributing mystical powers to it. Amethyst is even said to cure drunkenness and enhance quick-wittedness in business.

Jewellery Care

Please treat your piece with the care and love with which it was made. Remember gemstones can chip or shatter if dropped, so keep in a soft safe spot. Please be careful with any cosmetic chemical around natural gems and gold as they can damage the surface.